Category: Completed Project / Permanent Installation
Location: Three Bryant Park, New York City
Medium: Mirror Polished Stainless Steel
Edition: Unique in this size,/ 1 Edition of 8 in 7’ Height
Dimensions: 13’ x 3.5’ x 2.5’
Client: Three Bryant Park
Year Completed: 2013
Art in Public Places: Yes
Public Art Program: Competition with Art Consultant
Description: “The Guardians: Hero and Superhero,” consists of two public sculptures on view indefinitely at Three Bryant Park in Midtown Manhattan. “The Guardians: Superhero” is a stainless steel monument on view indefinitely at 3 Bryant Park, NYC. It was commissioned by Three Bryant Park. Superhero is a digitally generated architectural composition with a powerful, timeless message of resiliency and innovation.