
APS Designs is a multi-disciplinary design firm headquartered in New York, founded by Antonio Pio Saracino, a licensed Italian architect and a member of the Association of Professional Architects in Rome. Our award-winning firm has been recognized with acquisitions for permanent museum collections, prestigious public commissions, and a diverse clientele, including individuals, corporations, and institutions.



With our multi-disciplinary approach, our portfolio encompasses projects of both large and small scales, seamlessly integrating architecture, industrial design, and art to create innovative and sophisticated designs. We are a design studio committed to crafting distinctive, functional, and iconic projects, as well as evocative experiences, through the seamless integration of narrative, architectural design, and artistry.



At APS Designs, we focus on creating elegant, modern living spaces tailored to contemporary lifestyles with a global vision. We transform individual needs, dreams, and goals into refined, sensorially rich environments that embody harmony and artistic sophistication. Our mission is to deliver iconic designs and high-quality services from conceptualization to completion, fostering creativity, innovation, and a commitment to excellence in every project.

Work with Us

Contact us to dialogue about your dream project. We will collaborate with you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience. Our interactive process involves close communication to meet your expectations from concept to completion. Let’s create something exceptional together.